Rumor: Samsung Galaxy S IV Specs: 13MP Camera, Quad-core A15 CPU
The Samsung Galaxy S III may have been the hit of 2012, but that hasn’t stopped rumors from circulating about the Samsung Galaxy S IV, the as-of-yet-unannounced successor to the…
Posts pertaining to Apple iOS, including iPhone and iPad; Android; BlackBerry, and Windows Phone.
The Samsung Galaxy S III may have been the hit of 2012, but that hasn’t stopped rumors from circulating about the Samsung Galaxy S IV, the as-of-yet-unannounced successor to the…
Research in Motion CEO Thorsten Heins recently sat down with Engadget to discuss BlackBerry 10 and Research in Motion’s plans for the new OS ahead of its launch. RIM plans…
It’s true that Windows Phone 8 has been getting the spotlight lately, but many International SIM card users have been wondering about Windows Phone 7.8, the update that has been…
HTC‘s new high-end smartphone (or “phablet” if you prefer), the Droid DNA, will be released on November 21. The device was first revealed at an HTC/Verizon Wireless event in New…
About a week after releasing the new version of their Truphone VoIP application for Android, Truphone has already released a minor update. According to the changelog, the update brings the…
Truphone has really been pushing their VoIP application lately, as can be seen with the recent release of the new Truphone VoIP app for Android and iOS, and their upcoming…
As you are probably aware, Truphone released the newest version of their application last week. With the new version comes a great many changes. We’ve recently discovered that among them…
Last week, Truphone released their brand new VoIP app for Android, and with it came a new streamlined sign-up process. Actually, the process is really not hard at all. However,…