Analysts: RIM Earnings Looking to Continue Downward Spiral
It’s an undeniable fact of reality: Research In Motion is in trouble. Deep trouble. The BlackBerry maker has been having trouble for quite some time, and unfortunately, it looks like…
New EU Roaming Rates Will Not Apply to Truphone SIM Users in U.S., Australia
Recently, internal sources at Tru have confirmed to TruTower that the international roaming rates seen on Tru SIM in the European Union will be lowered to meet new EU roaming…
Nokia Lumia 710 and 800 Get Windows Phone Tango Update
For those of you who are using either the Lumia 710 or the Lumia 800 with your SIM or App service, we’ve got good news for you: the time to…
Google Play Hits Milestone of 600,000 Apps, 20 Billion Downloads
Bragging rights are common in keynote speeches these days. One of the things Google announced during its keynote speech at I/O 2012 is the milestone it has achieved as far…
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Unveiled By Google At I/O 2012
It’s seems like only yesterday that the world was getting ready to enjoy a nice, cold Ice Cream Sandwich. It was only six months ago to be exact. Most of…
Samsung Galaxy S III Could Be Out Two Million Unit Sales Due to Supply Crunch
Heavy demand for a product is a sugar plum dream for most companies, but in Samsung’s case, it’s turned into a bit of a nightmare. Although it doesn’t seem to…
Google Expected to Unveil Android Jelly Bean at I/O 2012
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the four-day Google I/O 2012 event. From the 26th to the 29th Google will unveil their next best things in the tech world, much like…
Hardware Testing Begins on Wi-Fi Alliance Cellular-to-Hotspot Roaming Program
It’s been over a year since we heard about the Wi-Fi Alliance’s intention to certify hotspots and simplify the potential for mobile handovers. However, the Wi-Fi Alliance announced today that…