Broadcom Bringing Its First 802.11ac 5G Wi-Fi Chip to Smartphones
Speed is good. More speed is better. Tru VoIP App users in particular look to benefit from Broadcom‘s 802.11ac (also popularly known as 5G Wi-Fi) chips, and now the chip…
Apple Posts Q3 Financial Results, Sells Record Number of New iPad Devices
Seemingly nothing can stop the ever-growing Apple empire. Apple reported earnings for the last quarter of $8.8 billion USD, or $9.32 per share, a $1.5 billion gain over last year.…
RIM CIO Robin Bienfait Talks the Future of BlackBerry in Enterprise
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few quarters, you know that Research In Motion is in a bit of a transitional period as it struggles to…
Nokia Completes Acquisition of Scalado Tech and Developers
We first heard about Nokia looking to acquire Scalado’s “world-class imaging specialists” way back in June as part of the company’s market shakeup strategy. After just over a month, that…
Motorola Testing Android 4.1 Jelly Bean on Motorola Xoom Wi-Fi
If you’re a global SIM or VoIP app user who’s sporting a Motorola Xoom and you’re waiting for that Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update that you heard about once before…
Galaxy Nexus GPS Problems After Android Jelly Bean Update?
There are reports that a few users are having issues with their GPS when updating to the new Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean update, making it impossible for users to track…
Samsung Could Be Announcing New Galaxy Note II at Press Event
Speaking of tablets (or “phablets” rather in this case), another rumor circling the web is that Samsung is preparing to announce its successor to the Galaxy Note device at a…
Playing With Fire: “Five or Six” More Amazon Tablets Could Be On The Way
International roamers — whether they be individual, business, or enterprise consumers, or global roaming SIM or voice over IP app users — love their tablets to do everything from organize…