If your enterprise communication strategy is lacking then the team dynamics and work flow may be suffering as a result. There are many service solutions and platforms to communication barriers like in-office chats and the Blue Jeans Network, but what strategies can be implemented to optimize tools like this from Blue Jeans? Let us take a look at common communication weaknesses that are identified among management teams and enterprises large and small.
But first, note that according to Entrepreneur.com, when asked of the greatness weakness in an organization, most employees suggested communication among teams was a great weakness. As a result of this feedback, note that it is best to consult with your team before making changes as transparency is key to building honest and trusted communication flow in enterprises. Here are four simple ways to enhance enterprise communication for you to consider:
1. Check in on your management team daily
Depending on the type of organization you run, the structure may be top to bottom or bottom up. But regardless of this matter, it is still important to check in with your management team or those in your leadership roles daily. This does not require a formal sit down meeting but 10 to 15 minutes each day would be enough to do the job. The purpose of these check ins will be to get a feel for how the projects and work you have delegated are progressing. In addition, you are also giving the management team an opportunity each day to reflect on what problems they have encountered and pose questions to the rest of the group. This makes it easier for you to identify problems early on because of the communication and presents a more comfortable environment for questions to be asked and solutions to be proposed.
This is a great exercise to get into the habit of doing to enhance your enterprise communication strategy.
2. Make team meetings a priority
Making sure that you hold the appropriate team meetings is crucial to your company’s success. This is time you can directly interact with the teams on specific tasks they are working on rather than having leaders report to you. On top of this, you are now available for everyone to reach which provides a sense of importance to the tasks delegated because you care enough to be present. Be sure to run through all the information and updates from the other teams so that everyone is on the same page.
Meetings as frequent as weekly to as infrequent as monthly will suit the different purposes for different organizations. A good way to open up the follow to questions and answers is to provide an open question or discussion time. This can encourage team members to interact with others and create a sense of support among the various teams so that when they run into problems, they do not necessarily have to always as you.
3. Do not neglect stakeholder meetings with executives
Your executives are the key decision makers to your company and many of these management and strategic decisions could be affected by stakeholders of your company. The supply and demand need to be communicated carefully so that everyone is open to the vision and goals set to be accomplished by certain dates. Encourage everyone to share their progress and if one is falling behind, drive your executives to take on the responsibility to support one another rather than individual responsibilities.
Knowing your company’s goal metrics will help you better forecast the next big decision or goal. Don’t forget to keep a good record of what was discussed during the meetings and touch base with all the participants by sending all a copy of what was recorded.
4. Make the most out of technological communication tools but know the limits
Make use of your internal communication system to send out quick and encouraging notes in the morning but what should be communicated in person should be communicated face to face to bring out the importance of the matter. As difficult and as tempting as it may be to send out a mass e-mail, there is no sense in trying to schedule meetings to enhance communication when you are evidently avoiding it in all matters otherwise. Make the announcement in person in advance to the meetings dates and only send out e-mails as a reminder of the fact. By limiting the usage of unnecessary technology in the communicate process, you are actually making the streamline of messages clearer to most employees and prompting them to pay more attention to their physical surroundings. Better yet, it will encourage more introverted personalities to heighten their comfort level when it comes to speaking to other team members in person.