Viber App for BlackBerry 7, VoIP Apps for BB7, Voice Over IP and Messaging Free

During our exclusive interview with Talmon Marco, the CEO informed us firsthand that the Viber VoIP app would “likely” be coming “hand in hand” with the upcoming BlackBerry 10.2 OS. The exact question and answer are reposted below:

Now that you’ve expanded to PC with Viber, are there any other areas that you’re looking at expanding? Game systems such as the Nintendo 3DS, etc.?

“We’re always looking at more platforms. At the same time, Viber is a small company, so adding these is not easy. Viber will soon be available for BB10 (likely hand in hand with the release of BB 10.2). And yeah, you heard about it first!”

This should alleviate BlackBerry fans, who have been clamoring for their own version of the app as the world’s fourth mobile OS looks to gain traction with developers and gain more new applications for its BlackBerry World store.

What do you think? Are you ready to Viber on your BlackBerry 10 device?

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By Josh Robert Nay

Josh Robert Nay is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TruTower. He has worked in the telecommunications industry since 2003 and specializes in GSM based technology. He also uses (too many) VoIP apps and is a long-time user of BlackBerry, Android, and Windows Phone. He adores anything having to do with space exploration and writing. In addition to the links below, he can be found on LinkedIn and can also be found on his website at