LINE for Windows 8, LINE voice for WP8, Windows Phone 8 VoIP

There are few voice over IP and messaging apps that are as popular as LINE. With over 150 million users as of May 2, the app has held its own against its competitors, namely Skype and Viber.

As it continues to expand, the company has been steadily adding features and improvements to its Windows Phone application, the latest of which come courtesy of version 2.4, which just launched in the Windows Phone Store.

The new version adds a list of official accounts to the application so you’ll be able to more easily follow some of the “official” people on LINE. This feature has been available to users on Android and iPhone for some time so its great to see it make its way to Windows Phone. Unfortunately, VoIP calling is not available just yet, but we have confirmed it is coming.

The abilities to receive sticker gifts as well as to manage stickers was also rolled out to Windows Phone users. All in all these additions, along with the usual round of minor bug fixes and performance improvements, bring the Windows Phone version ever closer to its iOS and Android brethren. You can download the new LINE app here.

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By Josh Robert Nay

Josh Robert Nay is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TruTower. He has worked in the telecommunications industry since 2003 and specializes in GSM based technology. He also uses (too many) VoIP apps and is a long-time user of BlackBerry, Android, and Windows Phone. He adores anything having to do with space exploration and writing. In addition to the links below, he can be found on LinkedIn and can also be found on his website at