Line VoIP application, Voice Over IP apps, free calling software

The LINE voice over IP and messaging application for Android, which recently surpassed the 100 million user mark, has just received a major update that adds some new functions and improvements courtesy of Japanese parent Naver.

Users now have the ability to attach several photos at once on the Home/Timeline rather than just one at a time. This allows users to share easier and faster while improving on the core functionality of the Timeline feature. In addition, the update adds a new menu option for editing photos with the LINE Camera add-on before sending or posting the photos.

A very useful import feature was also added that allows users to import their backed up chat histories, which includes messages, photos, and additional content. A minor update also improves security when checking user identification on the desktop version of the VoIP app. The update also includes the usual bug fixes along with improvements to the user interface and is now available in the Google Play store.

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By Josh Robert Nay

Josh Robert Nay is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TruTower. He has worked in the telecommunications industry since 2003 and specializes in GSM based technology. He also uses (too many) VoIP apps and is a long-time user of BlackBerry, Android, and Windows Phone. He adores anything having to do with space exploration and writing. In addition to the links below, he can be found on LinkedIn and can also be found on his website at