This is a sad day for LG Windows Phone fans. According to CNET, LG has made it clear that, due to their lack of success with Microsoft’s platform, they do not expect to make any more Windows Phones in the near future. According to the Korea Herald, the company will focus on its Android efforts instead.
It’s no secret that Windows Phone has been struggling to gain market share in the shadows of iOS and Android. A third ecosystem in which to download and love applications. The question is, will that third ecosystem be Windows Phone or will it be next year’s Boot to Gecko by Mozilla. Or, quite possibly, RIM’s BlackBerry or Samsung’s Tizden?
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is visiting Seoul, South Korea in May, which lends some possibility to a meeting between LG and Microsoft execs. This could prove to be a light at the end of a tunnel for Windows Phone as Microsoft continues its struggle to keep manufacturers and developers interested in the platform.